domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014


Hello, and welcome back!

So, you like movies? How much do you know about the actors who appear in them?
Let me introduce my favourite actor.

This is Jack Nicholson (John Joseph Nicholson).
He was born in 1937.
He is from New Jersey, USA.
He is 67 years old.

His first name is John.
His middle name is Joseph.
His last name is Nicholson.
His nickname is Jack.
One of his most famous roles is as The Joker in Batman (1989) directed by Tim Burton.
Some of his movies are: The shining (1980), As good as it gets (1997), Anger Management (2003), Something's gotta give (2003), etc.

Who's your favourite actor/actress?
Leave your comments on the section below.

See you next post!

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

My favourite superhero movie is...

Hello and welcome back!

Today's Friday and some of you may be thinking of watching movies this weekend, so let's take a view of some recent superhero movies!


There are three (3) recent batman movies.

There's Batman begins (2005).


There's Batman: The dark knight (2008).

And there's Batman: The dark knight rises (2012).


There are five (5) recent Spider-Man movies.

There's Spider-Man (2002).

There's Spider-Man 2 (2004).

There's Spider-Man 3 (2007).

There's The amazing Spider-Man (2012).

And there's The amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014).


There are three (3) recent Iron-Man movies.

There's Iron-Man (2008).

There's Iron-Man 2 (2010).

And there's Iron-Man 3 (2013).


There are two (2) recent Superman movies.

There's Superman returns (2006).

And there's Man of steel (2013).

The Avengers

1. ____________ one (1) Avengers movie (2012).


2. ____________ five (5) X-Men movies.*

There's X-Men (2000).

There's X-Men 2 (2003).

There's X-Men: The last stand (2006).

There's X-Men: First class (2011).

And there's X-Men: Days of the future past (2014).

*I'm not counting the Wolverine spinoffs.

My favourite superhero movie is Batman: The dark knight... favourite superhero movie is also X-Men: Days of future past.
What's your favourite superhero movie?

Can you complete the article by filling in the blanks 1 and 2?

Leave your answers on the comments section below.

Cómo crear una cuenta y publicar un comentario en el blog.

Hola a todos.
Varias personas me han dicho por Facebook que no pueden publicar sus comentarios en el blog, pues bien, aquí pongo un tutorial sobre cómo crear una cuenta en Gmail para publicar libremente en el blog :)

1. Abrimos nuestro explorador de Internet (explorer, chrome, firefox, safari, etc) en la página y damos click en la parte superior derecha en el botón que dice "Iniciar sesión".

2. Nos aparecerá una ventana como la siguiente y daremos click donde dice "Crear una cuenta".

3. Nos enviará a una página como la siguiente en donde escribiremos nuestros datos.


4. Damos click donde dice "Siguiente paso" y nos preguntará si queremos configurar nuestra página principal, por el momento presionaremos el botón que dice "más tarde" y nos mostrará la siguiente pantalla.

5. Damos click en el botón que dice "Inicio" y listo, podemos publicar comentarios en el blog.

6. Ingresamos al blog en donde queremos dejar nuestro comentario, lo escribimos y seleccionamos el botón que dice "Comentar como/Seleccionar perfil".

7. Nos desplegará una lista en donde seleccionaremos "Cuenta de google". Nos mostrará una ventana como la siguiente en donde ingresaremos los datos de la cuenta que acabamos de crear.

8. Damos click en "Acceder" y nuestro comentario se habrá publicado :)
IMPORTANTE: No activar la casilla de "No salir de la cuenta" si no es su propia computadora.

Cualquier duda en el proceso pueden dejarla en mi cuenta personal de Facebook:

Saludos y ¡no olviden compartir!


miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

What's in your schoolbag?

Today I'm going to work!
So, I'll take my schoolbag...

But wait...

It's too heavy!

I'm going to see what's in my backpack...

There is a dictionary...

There is a tablet...

There is a pen...

There is a charger...

There is an eraser...

There is an ID...

There are three (3) markers...

There are four (4) English books...

There are some cards...

And wait... Is there a dog? In my schoolbag?

And that's why my schoolbag is heavy!

Now it's your turn, what's in your schoolbag?

Leave your answers on the comments section.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

On a day like today...

These are some important events that happened "on a day like today"...


Leonardo da Vinci is commissioned to paint Lisa Gherardini ("Mona Lisa").


Panama declares independent from Colombia.


'Ice Ice Baby', by Vanilla Ice becomes the first rap record to top the US singles chart, (and later also a UK No.1 single).


Arkansas Governor Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton is elected 42nd president of the United States.

Can you complete the next statements with the words below? Leave your answers on the comments section.

Was         Became           Was            Declared

1. In 1507, Leonardo Da Vinci  ___________  commissioned to paint the "Mona Lisa".

2. 111 years ago, Panama ____________ independent from Colombia.

3. In 1990, 'Ice Ice Baby' ____________ the first rap record to top the US singles chart.

4. 22 years ago, Bill Clinton ____________ elected president of the United States.